4 Things Every Woman Needs to Ask Herself Before Calling It Quits On Her Relationship

Alright girl, if you’re reading this it’s because your relationship is not where you want it to be and if calling it quits is on the radar, you need to read this now! 

So listen up because I’m going to give you some things to think about before you go making big decisions. 

  1. Do you have a good man?

The grass ain’t always greener on the other side honey and if you currently have a good man, you’re taking a risk dumping him in search of something better. 

We can get caught up in comparing our relationship to others or falling into a rhythm of only seeing the bad in him or the relationship or we start to hold him to expectations that sometimes are just fantasy. 

No man is perfect, but is he a good man? Does he have the potential to be better? 

If the answer is yes- then keep reading. 

If the answer is no- then run! There are good men out there and they will treat you the way you deserve. Don’t waste any more of your life on him!

2. Have you given him a fair chance? 

Alright ladies I’m going to blow your mind with this one - Men Aren’t Women! 

Say what???? Yeah they’re not and they aren’t going to take care of you the way your friends or mom or sister does. Men aren’t built with innate skills to tend and love and care for those around them like women are. They have to be told what to do and be reinforced with lots of treats and praise. (For any man reading this- please don’t be offended). 

I’m making jokes, but it’s true. A man is a simple creature that just wants to be told how to make a woman happy in simple, layman terms. He doesn’t have the capacity to read between the lines of your 45 minute long rant about how he’s not measuring up to your expectations. 

If you aren’t communicating clearly (in simple terms about what you want and need from him), he is going to FAIL! He cannot read your mind (and even if he did- do you really think he’s going to understand all that’s going on up there?) 

So if you’ve been keeping things to yourself or expecting a man to be a woman in your relationship - you haven’t given him a fair chance. 

(P.S. This is where improving your self-confidence and self-worth gives you the skills to communicate your needs and wants without all those nasty fears and beliefs stopping you.)

3. Have you taken ownership of your part?

If you’ve gotten to this point in the list then you’ve got a good man that can learn to be better and is willing to do so. So now you’ve got to take a hard look at yourself and your part in this relationship and why it’s gotten this bad. 

This looks like how you communicate? Are you icing him out or giving him the silent treatment? Again- men can’t read your mind and they’re not intuitive like women, so if you aren’t using words that are at the very least, spoken with kindness, your message isn’t getting across. 

Are you taking care of yourself? Are you making time for your friends? Are you doing the things you enjoy? If your cup is empty, your partner is going to start looking real bad and the unhappiness will grow from there. Take care of yourself and meet your own needs and he’ll start to look a whole lot better. Plus- he’ll stop being the source of all your irritation and resentment.

4. Is life better without him?

Now I know we sometimes fantasize about being on our own and how our home would stay clean and we wouldn’t have to take care of another grown person, but seriously ask yourself - would my life be better without him? 

Again- comparison and unhealthy expectations will ruin any relationship, but if life would be noticeably better, easier, calmer, more stable without him - then you need to call it. But if you can taste the dose of fantasy in that dream, then you need to work on the relationship that is right in front of you. 

Running for another one isn’t going to fix anything and you’ll be right back where you started. Do the work now!

So sister- if you’ve got a good man who wants to be better for you - you’ve already won. You just need to learn how to be a better woman. You need to learn how to have a successful relationship. 

Gain the skills to communicate your needs and raise your expectations. Improve your self-confidence and self-worth, so you don’t feel guilt and shame to speak your mind or ask for what you need. 

You are worth it and if you aren’t running for the hills after reading this, then start working on yourself so your relationship can finally meet your needs and you can both be happy in it.


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