Rates & Insurance

We purposely are not in network with any insurance company, so we do not directly bill insurance.

Doing so requires us to give you a mental disorder diagnosis and stays on your permanent health record.  You shouldn't have to be labeled as having something "wrong" with you for needing a little support (which we ALL do!) 


Then, for them to continue paying for therapy, we would have to write treatment reports saying that you're still sick and not getting better. That's just not how we operate.  We believe in our clients own innate ability to heal and move forward. 

Rates are as follows:


A session runs for 60 minutes.

Fees are paid in full at the time of service.

Payment is accepted in the form of credit or debit card. You may also use a Flex Savings (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA) to pay for services.

Sessions of longer duration can be pro-rated. This is based on our education, efforts, time and commitment to our clients.  The love and compassion we have for our clients is totally free.

Do You Have Out Of Network Benefits?

Some clients are able to receive reimbursement using their out of network benefits. 

Not sure if you have this benefit? Call your insurance company and ask:

  • Do I have out-of-network coverage for outpatient behavioral health?

  • What is my deductible and how much of it has been met?

  • What is the insurance company's allowable rate for the procedure code (ex: what is their rate for a 90834)?

  • What is the reimbursement rate for a therapy session, using the following codes:

    • 90834 for 45 minute session​

    • 90837 for 60 minute session 

    • If you're seeking double sessions of 90 minutes for EMDR Therapy, you can ask if your insurance company reimburses for sessions of this duration (some do, some don't) If so, ask them which add-on code they require for billing purposes.

  • Do I need preauthorization?

Your can check here to see if your insurance provider allows for reimbursement for out of network services - Please Check Your Health Insurance Benefits Here

​Feel free to call our office if you need any help with this, so we can get you started with Women’s EMDR Therapy Center