Is Your Relationship Struggling & You Can’t Seem To Let Go Of The Past & Move Forward?

Are you ready to have deep intimate connection with your partner? Feel safe to be vulnerable and allow them in? Have the confidence to set healthier boundaries and higher expectations? Are you dying to have your wants and needs met by your partner and have done everything you feel possible to get them to understand?

Relationship Therapy Is What You Need!

So What Is Relationship Therapy?

So unlike couples counseling, where you go as a last ditch effort to get your relationship back on track and spend most of your time complaining about each other, while the therapist mediates and nothing changes when you leave the session -

Relationship Therapy focuses on helping you address your individual issues that get in the way of your relationship being what you want and need it to be.

Many times we make so many efforts in our relationships, whether it be self-help books, relationship seminars, or couples counseling, but no matter how hard we try- we’re left feeling hopeless, out of control, and ashamed that our relationship isn’t what we want and need and - it doesn’t get any better.

We try to take control of what is happening by doing all the stuff, hoping our partner will wake up and see what we’ve been trying to show them all along or will finally be motivated to meet up where we’ve always wanted.

The problem with this is that we’re putting all the responsibility and power on our partner to meet our wants and needs - even when sometimes we don’t even know what those are, and we’re not looking to ourselves to do just that!

Your relationship can only thrive when you know your worth and value. When you know what makes you ultimately happy or upset. When you no longer project your past relationships or your own feelings of inadequacy on your partner or the relationship.

With relationship Therapy we focus on you and helping you figure out what you ultimately want and need from your relationship and how your own feelings of being unworthy, unlovable, not good enough, and having to be perfect keep getting in the way of you actualizing this incredible relationship you ultimately deserve.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you were able to know that you value and worth is not dependent on your partner? That you are normal and have nothing to be ashamed of? That every woman struggles in her relationship and it’s a place to find ourselves and to realize that we deserve love, respect, and kindness. We deserve to feel cherished and appreciated and our partners deserve a woman who knows herself.

Relationship Counseling For Women In michigan, Massachusetts, Illinois, and Colorado

The only way to do this and allow any relationship to thrive is by getting whatever is blocking us from knowing our worth and value and showing up in our relationship as such, out of the way!

Relationship Therapy allows for this in a way that is supportive to you and really empowers and supports you towards the healthy loving relationship that you deserve!

What Can I Expect From Relationship Therapy?

Through Relationship therapy, you can expect a deep change in yourself and how you show up in your relationship.

So much of our relationships become muscle memory and we get triggered and rinse and repeat what we’ve always done. Never do we stop mid trigger and realize we’re about to go down the rabbit hole again.

how can relationship counseling improve my relationship

With Relationship therapy, you’re going to learn how to regulate yourself within your relationship. How to identify and stop triggers from taking over. How to allow your partner space to work through their stuff and not make their stuff about you.

You’re going to finally realize how incredible you are and that you deserve and healthy, loving partnership and don’t have to settle for anything less. Your self-worth and confidence is going to improve so you can set healthy boundaries and voice your wants and needs to your partner - in a way that they will listen.

If having a healthy, loving relationship is what you want - then Relationship Therapy is for You!

Ready To Feel Better?

If you’re ready to see your relationship improve and feel love and connection again, give me a call at (248) 453-2115 or click the button below to set up a free 15 minute phone consult to get started. I look forward to working with you!

Relationship Counseling for women in Michigan, Massachusetts, Colorado, and illinois

Have any questions? Send me a message!