Alright Sister- you ready for a change?

Are you ready to see fast and steady improvements to your self-worth and confidence?

To let go of the shame and guilt that has been getting in the way of you moving forward?

To finally not be afraid that your past is going to rear up and bite you in the ass?

Well the time is now and Short-Term EMDR Therapy is for You!

So what is Short-Term EMDR Therapy?

To put it plainly - short-term EMDR Therapy is just EMDR therapy, but for women who have done everything possible to better their lives, but are still stuck.

No matter how many self-help books you’ve read, podcasts you’ve listened to, talk therapy you’ve attended - You’re still left feeling unsafe, unloved, and powerless in your life and relationships.

Short-Term EMDR Therapy takes all the work you’ve done to understand yourself, your life, and your trauma better and it actually applies it to your brains way of thinking, feeling, and reacting to your life.

So instead of just being able to understand why you get triggered by certain things your partner says or does, or why you have an overreaction to stressful circumstances, Short-Term EMDR Therapy actually rewires your brain so that it no longer reacts and behaves like it always has.

Wouldn’t it be nice if your partner or family member did something and instead of having your normal reaction of shame, anger, or resentment- you were able to see it for the joke it was or directly say “hey, I don’t like it when you do that,” or ultimately realizing that whatever is happening with them is in no reflection of you?

What you need is a reset button on your perception of yourself and your life. You need an opportunity to see clearly how incredible you are and just how much you’ve overcome.

You need a chance to see yourself for who you truly are and radiate that in your everyday moments, relationships, and your career.

You’ve worked really hard to get where you’re at and you deserve all the good things that come with it. You deserve to feel confident in setting your boundaries and voicing your needs, expecting better from your relationships and those around you.

No longer feeling ashamed for feeling the way you do or having wants and needs. You deserve to feel empowered and in control of your- taking confident steps towards the future you want and short-term EMDR therapy can help you get there!

What Can I Expect From Short-Term EMDR Therapy?

Because you’ve done all the foundational work and are really in a place to experience the immediate benefits of EMDR therapy, you can expect pretty radical results.

You’re going to notice a calmer, more peaceful state of being. Less anxiety and depression, fewer negative or racing thoughts.

You’re going to notice yourself reacting less and less to things that used to irritate you or make you go “yep, here we go again.”

what can I expect from EMDR therapy

You’re going to have a deeper sense of it not being all on you or even your fault or responsibility.

A deeper sense of self-worth and knowing when to make it about you and when to allow others to deal with their own stuff without you over-complicating it.

You’re finally going to reap the fruits of your labor and see that all the work you’ve done to better yourself and your family has been worth it.

How Will I Know If Short-Term EMDR Therapy Is Right For Me?

For most people who have a clear understanding of themselves and their current state of being, who are also in a pretty stable place in life, are appropriate for short-term EMDR therapy. It usually feels like the last step or the final piece of the puzzle.

No matter what, the best thing you can do is schedule a Free phone Consult with me or just give me a call, so I can help you decide what route is best for you. This way you know what the path forward is and can start as soon as you’re ready!

Ready To Feel Better?

If you’re ready to get this chapter of life over and finally move on to what’s to come, give me a call at (248) 453-2115 or click the button below to set up a free 15 minute phone consult to get started. I look forward to working with you!

EMDR Therapy for Women in Michigan, Colorado, Massachusetts, and Illinois

Have any questions? Send me a message!