Are you ready to improve your life? 

Done feeling anxious and depressed about where you’re at in your life? 

Ready to regain your self-worth and confidence so you can communicate your needs and get more out of your life? 

Are you done doing everything possible to improve your life only for the same old problems to creep back up?

Are you ready to have a clean slate and move forward?

- Without guilt, shame or fear?

Discover how Women’s EMDR Therapy is giving women the self worth and confidence to radically improve their relationships, families, and careers, and how it can help you own your worth, communicate your needs, and get more out of your life!

Hey There! I’m Shanel!

Psychotherapist & EMDRIA Approved EMDR Therapist

I’m here to help you find yourself again. To let go of all the things from the past that are holding you down- making you feel guilty, afraid, and ashamed.

Together, we can help you start fresh - finally experience the joy, self-worth, and confidence you deserve and get more from your life - and fast!

Services Available

  • Fast and effective EMDR therapy

    Short-Term EMDR Therapy

    EMDR Therapy geared towards women who are ready and motivated to improve their lives fast!

  • Relationship counseling for individuals

    Relationship Therapy

    Therapy geared towards women who are struggling primarily in their partner relationship and want to see radical improvements fast!

  • EMDR therapy for a recent trauma

    Recent Trauma Therapy

    Recent Trauma Therapy geared towards anyone, including children as young as 3 years of age, who have experienced a traumatic event within the last 6 months and are struggling with post-trauma symptoms.

Are You Ready For A New Chapter In Life To Begin?

When you’ve been carrying around so much crap - getting overwhelmed, struggling with resentment, anxious - intrusive thoughts - it’s hard to be present and enjoy what life is offering you.

When you’re constantly second guessing yourself, over-analyzing every interaction, or frozen with fear of doing something wrong - life can’t happen!

When you’re so shut down and stuck in a hellish groundhogs day - your children grow up, your career dries up, and your partner moves on.

EMDR therapy for women

Your new chapter needs to start!

You deserve to feel secure and confident in yourself, ease in your relationships and interactions, and to experience joy and peace in everyday moments.

Life doesn’t need to be this difficult and you’ve already done so much to better yourself- why stop now?

Is This The Right Fit For You?

I work with women who:

Are committed to feeling better about themselves and the trajectory of their life and relationships.

Want to feel more confident about themselves and their life choices.

Have feelings of not being good enough or having to be perfect.

Specifically, I work with women of all ages and places in life who:

Struggle to communicate their wants & needs without feeling guilt or shame.

Are going through separation or divorce from their spouse.

Are having trouble in their partner relationship.

Have difficulty maintaining long-term, healthy relationships.

Have infertility, pregnancy, or birth trauma.

Are struggling in their parenting or co-parenting.

Are struggling to advance in their career.

improved relationship with EMDR therapy

I help women get what they want & need from their life without self-sacrifice, guilt, or fear. Every woman deserves to feel in charge of her life and that she can have whatever she wants without consequence and so many women are already experiencing this.

Why not You?

Ready To Feel Better?

If you’re ready to get this chapter of life over and finally move on to what’s to come, give me a call at (248) 453-2115 or click the button below to set up a free 15 minute phone consult to get started. I look forward to working with you!

Have any questions? Send me a message!